i found 2 of my bags i used in high school

a funny shirt i got on the streets of hong kong
my aquabats sweatshirt that i washed with a tissue and havnt worn since...i finally got rid of it.
found a bunch of shirts from high school, mostly a bunch of homecoming shirts.

found some of my leftover Yen from China
this was probably the best find while going thru my things. this is our banner from the second year we did Relay For Life! natalie painted it, our team was the Superheroes! we were the coolest team out there! each of us wore a cap that spelt out "superheroes" then each of us had a superhero power that started with that letter. good times.

i found my senior jeans! its tradition at Lynnwood High School for the seniors on homecoming to decorate jeans and wear them to the homecoming assembly.

history notes...someday i hope to go thru these notes
look i actually didnt fail completely in science! i found proof!
he was hiding in one of my school notebooks! what a surprise!
i found a lot of my highschool school work, i just cant seem to get ride of it. i guess i hope to someday read it all again and remember the days when i actually knew things.
i found some math homework, good thing i dont have to do math anymore!
french homework
i was able to throw away 3 bags of trash, fill 2 bags for DI and get rid of 5 empty boxes! why did i have all that stuff? who knows.

i found my senior jeans! its tradition at Lynnwood High School for the seniors on homecoming to decorate jeans and wear them to the homecoming assembly.
Monica, I did the superheros poster silly! Don't you remember?
Ha - I was just going to comment, "didn't Kerianne make the poster?"
i vaguely remember that. i just assumed natalie did it and i think she assumed she did it too. haha.
oppps that last comment was from monica. it was signed in as stephanie.
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