NEW BIKE! SHE IS MINE! finally after years of wanting my own bike my dream came true! too bad i don't really know what i am doing on it...note to self don't take it for a bike ride until after learning the gears.

new fingernail polish. lovin it.

i had a french presentation this morning. i presented on the Louvre. i was pretty nervous, and not sure i did that well BUT i did it and it is over. phew.

every monday and wednesday julene and i have lunch dates in the library. we meet an hour before class starts,eat lunch and talk. on monday we decided to eat lunch at Craigos before class. so delicious. good idea julene. here is julene testing out the desert pizza-she approved.

my first seven prints i turned in for printmaking. how fun. these are quite the detailed processes, but i enjoy the work put into them.

julene invited me over for smoothies. it is our tradition and what better way to kick off the summer.
I loved the print section of my art history "hand-on" class. Learning lythogrophy, but my favorite was doing the scratching on metal plates. SO COOL!
Hurray SUMMER!
love the nail polish, ps i only brought 4 nail polishes, that was a good compromise right??
good job being done with the presentation yayy.
i love those prints, i wonder if i am allowed to take one of those classes sometime even if im not in that major?
and YUM smoothies. so delicious.
(word verification here: tylessa. like tyler and melissa smooshed. that could be a name. they are getting creative with these)
a.] i am really jealous that you have bike.
b.] craigos is the best thing EVER! oh my heck, so delicious. have you had their potato pizza? best pizza i've ever had in my life. no joke.
c.] adorable hat! and scarf. jeez.
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