and this band?
ohh 2ge+her.

if you don't recall who 2ge+ther (together) was they were a fictional boy band from the year 2000 whose songs and performances were a satirical spin off of 1990's boy bands. their movie was the first movie produced for MTV and because of it's popularity MTV made a television series based off it. i remember watching it, remember stephanie?
in high school i listened to this song often. i am proud to say i still remember all the words.
You + ME = Us. HA HA!
2ge+her was amazing.
Yes I remember! I wonder if I can get the movie or series on Netflix. I can't remember which was better.
ha ha!!! yes I remember Kevin Arnold aka fred savage = P !!! and I remember that song too!!! What's funny is when I was going through and packing my stuff to move, I found a blank tape and I played it and this song was on it!!! Ha ha!! I love it!! So funny monica!
thankfully, i dont remember this song
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