here are a few events that have happened as of late.
natalie, arren, alicia and i squished onto alicia(and james') bed to watch the Hannah Montana movie last weekend. still good the second time, and they enjoyed it too.

went to pike place market where a much needed Piroshky awaited us

later that evening kerianne and i went with my dad to try a new vietnamese restaurant that just opened. i was happy to see they had pho (the broth soup)which i love and banh mi (sandwich)which i love too. kerianne has never had either so that was fun to get to experience it with her.

at the store she was trying on some purses. i had to bribe her to put on the jonas brothers purse, it wasn't flashy enough for her. someday she will be thankful she did. look at her scarfing down that yogurt parfait.

today, dad and i went to Blue C Sushi for lunch. i havn't been for a few years so i have been aching to go. it is a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, each plate is color coded with a price and you just take a plate off as it goes by. just as delicious as i remembered it being.

happy news folks! i took my laptop in to see if they could fix my 'R' key which was a bit out of place and not only did they replace the key for free, but replaced the whole keyboard. so ladies and gents i have brand new smooth typing soft to the touch keys. thank you apple and yuki.(she was my genius bar helper)

Cute date with Leah. She's such a cutie. And I still need to get on that Hanna Montana bandwagon. I saw the first few seconds of it at WalMart the other day. So far so good
You look so cute with Leah!!! I'm glad that you are having a most amazing last few weeks at home:) And the Hannah Montana movie really is that amazing...
leah's adorable!!
and oh my gosh how great about the keyboard, sweet.
cute pic of you and dad! i love the sunglasses pics of you and leah!
Mmhm it is true that I love edamame. Also, my mother makes a pretty mean bowl of pho.
Also, I keep reading this thinking ohhh everyone is so nice to compliment me (jokes of course). Leeuh vs Layuh.
cute pictures. you look really tan in all of them. also congrats on the new keyboard. that is very exciting.
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