once upon a time i danced a lot.
there is a family home video of me at age 5 doing some pretty awesome dance routines to christmas music. (siblings, feel free to not mention how i may or may not have had some tantrums on that video...) growing up i made many dance routines to various songs and preformed them frequently to my family and to friends, i was in a singing and dancing group called "Sunshine Generation" one summer, i was on my high school hip hop team and enjoyed spending my saturaday nights at stake dances. i may have even preformed "Bye, Bye, Bye" and "It's Gonna be me" at a ward talent show, was given the name "Jiggy" for my counselor name at Girls Camp and may have spent many a nights throughout college dancing it up. however, the last few years i have hardly danced at all, but that doesn't mean i haven't been making up routines in my head when i hear a good dance beat. the dancing i have done in the last few years consisted of me forcing julene to do a routine with me in our bedroom late at night or me preforming the "ugly dance" for the select people who are privileged to experience that. ohh or the one time julene and i 'dance attacked' our friends jordan and taylor...which consisted of us dressing up, blaring music on my ipod player while dancing into their apt dancing to the song around their apt then dancing out without saying a word. as much as i love my rock, folk, alternative, indie-rock music..etc~ i sure do enjoy a good R&B song. now you know why. like the song below which i am obsessed with nowadays. thanks to my roommate mary who introduced the song to me on the first day i met her.
I remember loving watching you dance!! remember when we were kids and our routine to "Seize the Day" There's only one move I remember which was "We'll slay the giant" ha ha!! but I remember jonathan's bye bye bye and it's gonna be me routines! but I always thought you were a great dancer!
Thats right! the first day we met, ha ha.
p.s. your ugly dance is sexy.
dear monica, i am privledged to be able to dance with you. you can always count on me to bust out the moves with you. and if anyone would like to know, our dance attack was pretty amazing. we're pretty much legendary for it. ......and i also did a dance to seize the day and bye bye bye in middle school. haha.
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