Saturday, November 14, 2009

"have you seen this film? it reminds me of walking through the avenues"

i think sometimes i get emotionally involved in movies. okay no, i know i do. i don't know what it is maybe it is the fact that it takes me somewhere else. maybe it is the artistic beauty in the look and aesthetic of the movie or the emotion it brings out in me. i know that what i am seeing on the big screen or on my laptop in my bed is not a real story, but made up or altered. i know the character i love dearly is not a real person. i know that that castle they are storming or flight of stairs moving or that wild thing who becomes his friend are not real. but while i am watching it, it is real. for those two hours it is real. real castle, real moving staircase and real friend. maybe what i love so much are the people being portrayed~their story. the strong warrior or the fearful soldier or the lost individual. maybe it is the underlying message of humanity, friendship, relationships, fear and desperation. maybe it is the fact that i love people so much or that i yearn to understand them. to me a movie is not just a two hour entertainment. i cry with the characters, i laugh with them. i don't expect a movie to be perfect and i accept its faults. i delight in the movie that has a strong use of music that can penetrate an emotion in me just as well as what i am seeing with my eyes can. some people don't enjoy watching movies and some people find no value in a movie that really did have the ability to change their outlook on life if they were open to it. this is sad. movies are raw, movies are glum, movies are triumphant, movies are just plain funny, movies are predictable, movies are quiet, movies are simple, movies are too good to even know what to do with yourself, movies are mediocre, movies can remind you of the one you love, movies are scary~movies are real. not real in the sense that an actual event is being recorded, but real in the sense that these messages are obtainable or rather applicable. that even though you are watching a man, who is fictitious for the movie, grieve over his wife's death that you let his life and experiences and lessons he learned become applicable to you. no matter what that movie is you have found yourself invested in that one funny joke, that simplicity, that tragedy or that ability to predict a character . yes, one can experience these same thoughts and emotions by reading a book~that is the beauty of escaping to someone else's life. but there is something different about 'seeing' life put to words or words put to life.
tonight i was reminded how much i become invested in the lives of these characters. tonight i was reminded how a movie can motivate me to be better, to be patient, to enjoy life and to be brave. tonight i was so impressed by this movie that i randomly decided to go see at the cheap theatre at 11:25 pm on a friday night. yes, you can learn these lessons from a better source, doctrinal even, but i think we are given this visual medium to learn from as well. tonight i cried with and laughed with its characters. tonight i saw, i heard. tonight i saw real emotion being ushered out of dark crevices. tonight i saw a weak man pretending to be strong. tonight i let this quiet yet complex story speak to me. tonight i thought i was just going to see another love story, i was mistaken. tonight i saw Love Happens. i am hesitant to show you the trailer because as good as that trailer makes the movie sound it does not tell the whole story. you think you are going to see a love story in the traditional sense but that is not the love the title is alluding to. maybe you think this is a silly choice of a movie to be so moved by, but i cannot deny it did so just the same. maybe it was because it was set in seattle~ a place that runs through my veins. maybe it was the strong use of music that maybe just served to help solidify the fact that this is a seattle staged movie. maybe it was the unpredictable raw emotion found in its plot. maybe it was the fact that i watched a man grieve for his wife's death secretly and on his own. maybe this movie wont have the same effect on anybody else but me. maybe i would be okay with that.

"have you seen this film? it reminds me of walking through the avenues". ~Rogue Wave

also, this has been on my mind lately.
go HERE to see why 'seeing' life put to words or words put to life is so powerful. you will not be disappointed.


aubree said...

great post, i totally agree! love happens was the 2nd of the 2 movies ive gone to in the theaters and i really loved it. and it was weird because i saw it after you posted those pictures of that gum wall! i was like, my friend just posted pictures of that wall on facebook to the friend i was with!! lol! anyways i came back from it & my mom could tell id been crying & she was like, man that movie really affected you huh?.. but ya, it really was an unexpected gem of a movie.

& ya kiera knightly is also not one of my favorites, neither is the weird cross eyed thing her eyeballs do.. i really didnt like that version the first time i saw it, then i watched the commentary for some reason and fell in love with the director, & then was weirdly obsessed.

& yes we definitely should hang out, i have 5 hogi yogi dollars that are no use here in IF because there is no hogi yogi.. are they still doing that tues hogi yogi nights up there?

wow this is probably the longest blog comment ive made. ever.

joslin said...

so maybe i didn't read this ridiculously long email. but i want to see this movie.