Saturday, December 05, 2009

you ready?

in high school i wanted to be two things~a fashion designer and a photographer for national geographics. my senior year i was accepted to the art institute of seattle for fashion design. that was my passion. the summer after graduation i began photographing black and white film like a mad woman. i realized i had to be a photographer. that was my new passion(amongst others). once you are accepted and go to the art institute you cannot switch emphasis nor would i have been able to take photo classes. that summer, right before i was to go and pursue fashion, i decided to decline the acceptance at that school. THANK GOODNESS. i began scrapbooking my film(see HERE and HERE) and because of that i realized i wanted to be a graphic designer. i loved designing and putting different elements together. this then took me to Brigham Young University Idaho a few years after high school graduation. i began in winter of 2005 and now am currently in my last 2 WEEKS of my college life. i am graduating this december. though my goals of becoming a clothing designer and photographer for national geographics have changed(maybe someday?)~those goals have led me to where i am today and led me to the life experiences i have had and the new life adventures i am about to start. you ready? i am.

so really, this post began just to show some of my favorite b&ws as of late because i have been on a b&w photo kick lately. so below
are some of those images. sorry about the kick i went on up above...i find it interesting to see how i have evolved and to see the chain of events that take you from one place in life to the next.


kaitlin said...

i sometimes forget that you were going to go to school at the art institute there!

Olivia Carter said...

Wow- love the pics & congrats on being almost done!

Natalie said...

Monica, you're talented...dont ever forget that.