my hair. it can just never ever make up its mind.
this is morning hair and even my morning hair can't decide what it wants to do. middle school was when my hair went from straight to curly and then each year it continued to be curly. by college i had pretty curly hair that was so easy to keep curly. then in my later college years my hair gradually became less curly and more indecisive. i can look back through semesters and my hair is doing so completely different things during each one, and not just because i cut it or colored it.
along with that comes periods of time where my hair just is NOT doing what i want it to do. i used to be able to go at least 3 days before my hair got looking like i needed to wash it, but then this summer it started only lasting 1 DAY then i would lose the curl and my bangs would become greasy. or my hair will be too frizzy, not curly enough, too coarse, too smooth...too this too that. not consistent.
is that normal? do you have hair that has a mind of it's own as well? or do you have perfectly consistent hair? i have plenty of friends who seem to always have the same hair or at least no consistent problems with their hair.
I'll be honest I've always LOVED your hair. You seriously have a great head of hair- crazy, curly, whatever. I've never seen you have a bad hair day.
My hair does whatever it wants. The same technique that made my hair look amazing yesterday won't work today. So, I just kind of roll with it & end up pulling it back as I chase small children all day anyway.
up until three years ago, my hair was the same everyday. Then it decided to go wavy. Not cute wavy, more like "really bad perm" wavy. I.Hate.It.
Unless I beat it into submission with a flatiron it looks awful.
my hair has never given me problems, except as I've gotten older I can't go as long between washings (I used to be able to go 3-4 days w/o washing my hair, now I can only go every other day)
Farrars do not play in the same hair league as the rest of us.
As you know, my hair is completely spastic. It'll curl real cute one day, and then not again for another month. It's a fro.
Oh just wait till you have kids, then your hair will completely change again! My hair will never do the same thing twice. I find now that I have to cut it more often to give it life again.
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