standing in leaves and chestnuts. a few days later we had chestnuts for dinner(not the ones i am standing in). i never thought i would eat them in my life.

jachen modeling on a street in germany.

beautiful germany.

he is such a sweetie and carries my heavy bags for me all the time. i will keep him around.

i love holding his hand, it fits so perfectly in mine.

his sister desiree found her dream bike...and mine?

my favorite, froggy gummies with the white bottoms. found a tub of them in germany. didn't buy them, but someday i will.

jachen and desiree while shopping in germany, that is some major shopping they got going on.

tiki man?


out on a walk.

we were doing a road rally for his institute, these cows slowed us down.

beautiful fall.

that's us.

that's us too.

it has been a goal to eat these cookies some day...

and i finally did. they were even better than i imagined. yum. my mouth waters thinking about them.

my favorite town in switzerland, Luzern. that bridge is the most famous bridge in all europe.

my most favorite, swiss bread and swiss cheese. i could eat this for any and all meals.

another favorite, cranberry pomegranate yogurt. they have the best yogurt in switzerland.

he humors me and tries on what i ask.

oh look, there is my engagement ring in that my feet.

i went and visited the family i nannied for last winter. i was sure happy i did that. my buddy tyler has gotten so big i can't even handle it. he is a real toddler now, i was with him when he was a baby, turned 1 and watched him take his first steps.

i love these kids. i miss being with them. you can see my adventures with them here.

best thing, balloon elephant...although he does look a little bit like he has leprosy.

that is what my ring looks like when im eating coconut chocolate yogurt, which was so good by the way. not too much coconut and sweet little shavings of chocolate.

they have businesses over the highway, this was a cool one wouldn't you say?

after i cut his hair! this was my first, i did pretty well i might add.

our last night together.

saying goodbye...till april.

I liked this post very much.
And, that balloon elephant is very scary.
loved this.
a. the yogurt really is soo good. not as sugary i think.
b. you two are cute.
c. hahaa leprosy.
d. those cookies look SO good. never have tried that type of cookie.
e. i want to see your ring in real life. OH I JUST REALIZED I WILL IN A FEW SHORT DAYS! just realized.
f. cute polka dots.
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