Thursday, September 10, 2009

i'm in a frenzy.

I just got a little misty eyed with excitement when i listened to the previews on itunes of A Fine Frenzy's new album. i am a firm believer of her music. this album has a very different style than her first, but still enjoyable and beautiful. i immediately added this album to the list of albums i want to purchase. nowadays i keep a list of music i want to purchase, so that i don't buy music on impulse.

oh and i'm back in rexburg and already, "i am ecstatic to be a part of this"


Leah said...

Oh hay hay girl. You want to do me a grand ol' favor? How about keeping a list of all of the must hear albums/ bands that come to your attention you know over the next 1.5 years. Mmmkay? Thanks.

kaitlin said...

can't do her music. but good try.
and that show is magical.

monica said...

yes, layuh. i will gladly keep track of the must haves while you are away. can i get some sort of title for this though, like president, or chief.

Julene said...

"oh my gosh" she's coming out with a new album!!! i'm freaking out right now. i'm looking it up on itunes as we speak. "i'm sorry, but i didn't know this was going to be happening."