Friday, September 24, 2010

tarpon springs | part two

here are the rest of the photos{well, of the ones i chose for the blog} from tarpon springs. see previous post for the first half of the photos.

click on the photos to see larger.

the bag full of sponges i bought, i got to fill a bag for 4.99. deal.

my new niece, alyssa.

the restaurant we ate at for lunch
my gyro

we were each given a plastic bag while leaving the boat so we could collect shells.

at the greek bakery, i took home that lemon coconut kok

loved that tarpon springs. opa!


kaitlin said...

love that cute little family picture you took of them.
love that bakery.
love that beach.

megan said...

Ok fine. I'll admit it. I blog stalk you all the time. I absolutely love your blog and i love these photos you took!!